Regulatory Compliance Watch Quotes Richard B. Newman on Email Marketing Compliance

In November 2018, Regulatory Compliance Watch – a leading publication covering compliance news, guidance and best practices for financial services professionals  – quoted Richard B. Newman about the federal CAN-SPAM Act and related state laws, such as California’s Business and Professions Code Section 17529.  Mr. Newman’s quote in the article expressed who does and does not have standing to initiate claims under the CAN-SPAM Act, the importance of non-deceptive header information, and the proliferation of commercial email marketing litigation in California.  See the full Regulatory Compliance Watch article, “Comply With Federal E-Mail Rules But Worry Mostly About What the States Do.” 

Regulatory Compliance Watch solicited Mr. Newman’s opinion about the issue because he has extensive experience defending commercial email marketers against coercive lawsuits brought by the anti-SPAM plaintiffs’ bar.  Please contact Hinch Newman at 212-756-8777 if you have any questions regarding commercial email marketing compliance, or if you have been named in a legal action.

Richard B. Newman is a performance marketing attorney at Hinch Newman LLP.  

Informational purposes only. Not legal advice. Always seek the advice of an attorney. Previous case results do not guarantee similar future result. Hinch Newman LLP | 40 Wall St., 35th Floor, New York, NY 10005 | (212) 756-8777.

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